State Art Gallery “Boris Denev”
The gallery exhibits the works of numerous Bulgarian artists, representatives of different trends and generations.
On the first floor you can find pictures of Veliko Tarnovo, while on the second floor different kinds of exhibitions are displayed.
The gallery is one of the oldest in Bulgaria, being opened in 1934. It now boasts of over 5000 paintings, sketches and sculptures.
Address: P. O. Box 250
“Park Asenevtsi”
Veliko Tarnovo 5000
Veliko Tarnovo District Bulgaria
Tel.: +359 (0)62-638-961: Director
+359 (0)62-638-951: Curator
+359 (0)62-638-941: Ticket window
© Синхрон медия ООД
Повече в English, Sightseeing
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